
This page gives you a basic instroduction on how to use frankfurt.


A simple model can be defined used the class frankfurt.models.Model as follows:

>>> from frankfurt.models import Model, InsertMixin
>>> from frankfurt import fields
>>> class Book(Model, InsertMixin):
...    title = fields.CharField(max_length=400, not_null=True)
>>> book = Book()

So far we just have an instance of a book, without a title.

>>> book['title']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'Field title has no value.'
>>> book['title'] = 'Python'

Instances of frankfurt.Model come with the method :meth:`Model.save that receives optionally an asyncpg connection object to actually execute the insert query into the database. For example:

>>> import asyncio
>>> import asyncpg
>>> from frankfurt import Database
>>> async def _():
...     db = await Database('postgres://user:password@server/db', models=[Book])
...     # Create a session.
...     conn = await db.acquire()
...     # Same as conn.insert(book)
...     return await book.insert(conn)
>>> asyncio.run(_())
<Book />
>>> book['title']