Welcome to Frankfurt’s documentation!

Frankfurt is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library, built on top of asyncpg. It takes ideas from Django, SQLAlchemy, GiNO, and tortoise-orm.

Source and issue tracker are available at https://gitlab.com/jorgeecardona/frankfurt/issues

Support Python >= 3.7.


Frankfurt is an ORM built on top of asyncpg, henceo, it supports only PostgreSQL.

I am taking ideas from Django, SQLAlchemy and tortoise-orm to built this.


The recommended way to install frankfurt is via pip

pip install frankfurt


As expected, a model can be defined as follows:

>>> from frankfurt.models import Model
>>> from frankfurt import fields
>>> class FirstModel(Model):
...    text = fields.CharField(max_length=200)
>>> m = FirstModel(text='example')
>>> m['text']

Indices and tables